But in the interim a bouncer provides the perfect safe spot for chewing on a carrot stick or two. Once your little one starts eating solid foods you will need to invest in a baby high chair. 'It's the perfect place to put your baby if you’re busy multi-tasking and you need them to be safe and secure and where you can see them,' says Lucy. Popping your little one into a bouncer for 20 mins won't have any impact on your parent-baby bond, but it will help you function. When your new baby arrives it's OK to let the chores slide! But after a while normality will need to resume. 'Babies spend a lot of time on their backs, so it’s nice to let them sit up for a while.' Multitasking

'Bouncers sit in an almost 45 degree angle, so your baby is not fully upright but they’re not laying down either, so they can get to see you and look around,' explains Lucy.

It can also be a great tool to help your baby develop spacial awareness and benefit from a different point of view. 'That bouncing motion is really soothing babies love that rhythmic movement,' says Lucy Shrimpton, Sleep Consultant and Founder of The Sleep Nanny. From soothing fussy tots to spacial awareness development, bouncers come with a host of benefits for both baby and you! SoothingĪ baby bouncer is a small seat that you can strap your baby into, but unlike static chairs it is designed to move, which can help to pacify your little one when your arms need a break.